This is a CMS approved QCDR for PQRS.
In collaboration with
For questions about this registry: 301.272.1189 Notify Me
View Performance
Regularly review your performance, identify your gaps and compare yourselves to others
Identify Patient Outliers
Understand your performance by reviewing individual patient outliers
Improvement Tools
Access links and tools from the AGA, other professional societies, and national experts in quality improvement to help you and your team learn and improve
Quality Reporting
Access additional financial and professional certification programs, such as PQRS and Meaningful Use
What is the American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry?
The American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry, in collaboration with CECity, is intended for physicians specializing in gastroenterology (AGA members & non-members) to foster performance improvement and improve outcomes in the care of patients. The registry will provide participating providers with:
  • Timely custom continuous performance monitors
  • Performance gap analysis and patient outlier identification
  • Access to improvement interventions to close performance gaps including patient care management tools; targeted education; resources and other evidence-based interventions
  • Comparison versus registry benchmarks and peer-to-peer comparison
How does the registry work?
The American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry is comprised of 28 quality measures, including non-PQRS measures developed by the AGA. Data can be uploaded or entered manually. Each measure has predefined data elements and data definitions found in the PDF below.

Download measure specifications
My Performance
Continuously view your results in this registry to identify opportunities to improve clinical care. This organized feedback allows you to immediately identify gaps in specific quality measures and focus your efforts there. Graphic tracking of your performance gives you the ability to look at trends over time and determine if your efforts to improve resulted in better quality care. Through this registry you can also compare yourself to others in practice across the country.
Patient Outliers
Manage the health of your patient population by identifying individual patients based upon measure results that are outside the desired measures. Identify opportunities to improve care by reviewing the results of your performance across your patient population. Use the information to address clinical quality gaps in a timely manner. Consider and choose interventions that can lead to sustainable practice improvement for your aggregate performance, and which will help reduce the number of patient outliers in the future.
The registry dynamically identifies possible interventions for improvement based on clinical quality gaps found through calculating selected quality measures. Use results of frequent data feeds to review your performance and determine quickly the impact of an improvement intervention. Results are presented graphically to identify trends in performance.
How can I leverage the registry for other quality reporting programs?
Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS)
The American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry, in collaboration with CECity, is approved by CMS as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR). A QCDR is a registry comprised of PQRS and/or non PQRS-approved measures which qualifies as a CMS-approved reporting tool for PQRS. The American Gastroenterological Association Colorectal Cancer Screening and Surveillance Registry is a QCDR with 28 quality measures designed specifically for gastroenterology practitioners.

How to Qualify for PQRS?
  • Complete PQRS Registration within the American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry
  • Select at least 9 measures for PQRS Reporting and
    • Report on at least 50% of your applicable patients
    • Ensure that at least 3 NQS Domains are covered
    • Ensure that at least 1 Outcome Measure is selected
  • Complete Attestation Module for submission to CMS
MU2 Specialized Registry Reporting
Successful enrollment and submission of data to the American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry for the purpose of satisfying the MU2 Menu Measure #6 (Specialized Registry Reporting) is contingent upon submission of data directly from Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) to the registry. Providers who would like achieve the MU2 Menu Measure #6 will need to connect their EHR directly to the American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry.

EHRs interested in submitting data to the American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Health Recognition Program Registry should contact CECity.
How much does it cost to participate?
The annual cost per provider is $300 — $750 for both the Registry and PQRS. Please contact us for information regarding pricing on other quality applications.